Dating Is Hard

Stumbling Through The Adventures And Misadventures Of Dating With God's Grace

Attending A Wedding Solo June 22, 2012

Filed under: Advice,Blog,Dating,Lessons — blueyedflicka @ 1:08 pm
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Is it just me or is it every single girl who dislikes having to put party of 1 on a wedding invite. No matter how much you love the friend/relative that you are attending the big event for. It just plain bites.

Wedding Invites created by SixteenEighteen

Wedding Invites created by SixteenEighteen (Photo credit: SixteenEighteen)

Being the only one invited is understandable. No plus one when your single, but it still makes it hard. Arriving alone, sitting typically at a singles table with a lot of other people who you don’t know. If your naturally an extrovert then it may be easier to talk to complete strangers. For me it tends to be a lot of silence until something sparks my interest.

I bring this up because such occasion is going on tomorrow for me. I’ve been invited to a wonderful wedding for a friend and well….y’all know I’m single. So there is no plus one on the invite. Which means I’m not really sure where I will be sitting as everyone else I know attending the wedding are married. Naturally this scares me.

I’m walking into the unknown. I’ll have people to sit by during the wedding. What’s up usher?! Friend of the bride! However the dreaded reception is the killer. I don’t know if I’m sitting at a singles table. Worse than that is dancing. I LOVE to dance. However…there will be no date to dance with.

I’m practicing my sitting style as I type. Ankles crossed? Legs crossed? Feet flat? So many options I may not have time to fulfill them all during the reception. I know one thing for sure though, I am not going to floor when they call “all single woman please make your way to the dance floor for the tossing of the bouquet”. No way.

English: A bride tossing her bouquet of flower...

English: A bride tossing her bouquet of flowers. Category:Love Category:Marriage Category:Wedding (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I just know how that is going to end.

Did you know I’ve actually been called out by the announcer before? “Hey *****! Your single, get out here!” Seriously? I swear I thought my parents had slipped the guy a $20. As I was pushed to the floor still stunned and over coming my shock I stood, arms crossed on the floor and watched the toss.

I didn’t even bother attempting to catch it. Why bother trying to bat off other girls? For what? The tradition is supposed to signify that you will be the next woman to get married. Let me tell yah, it ain’t true. I’ve caught a bouquet before. And look at me now….still single. So why give in to the silly traditions of making yourself feel desperate? Some women just get way to competitive about it. Not me.

I just want the whole thing over quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I adore seeing my friends happy and in love. It’s great. I just don’t like it being rubbed in my face that I’m still single and well..not in love.

One day I will be. I know that God has that planned for me. And it’s going to be epic. It’s just all this waiting in-between that can drive a woman mad.

I’ll let yah know how things go. Even hope to get some great pictures. They really are a beautiful couple. Inside and out.

In the meantime…pray for my sanity.

I need it.


A Wallflower


4 Responses to “Attending A Wedding Solo”

  1. Love the mint background!
    FYI, I got an error when I clicked your RSS button.


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